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Cover 11/1
Obálka / Cover
Content and impressum
1 - 3
Obsah a impressum / Content and impressum
Development of landscape ecology in slovakia from the theoretical - and meta-scientific perspective
Florin Žigrai
4 - 25
Článok / Article
Monitoring the time development of concentration of nitrates in selected groundwater resources in the Levice district
Mária Babošová, Jaroslav Noskovič, Timea Szlováková, Jana Ivanič Porhajašová
26 - 33
Článok / Article
Cadmium originating from mining activities as a source of soil contamination
Jozef Varga, Radoslava Kanianska, Nikola Benková, Miriam Kizeková, Ľubica Jančová
34 - 40
Článok / Article
Qualitative assessment of surface waters of water reservoirs in the Paríž stream catchment
Jana Borovská, Matej Mojses, Tomáš Rusňák
41 - 51
Článok / Article
Hydrological balance in traditional agricultural landscape (model area Liptovská Teplička settlements, Slovakia)
Daniel Kubinský, Zdena Krnáčová, Pavol Kenderessy
52 - 66
Článok / Article
Morphometric variability of carabus violaceus linnaeus, 1758 (coleoptera, carabidae) populations of meadow biotopes in The urban-rural gradient
Vladimír Langraf, Kornélia Petrovičová, Janka Schlarmannová
67 - 75
Článok / Article
Ecososological evaluation of the coenosis of beetles (coleoptera) of selected localities in protected landscape Area Latorica
Oto Majzlan
76 - 115
Článok / Article
Imprint 11/1
Tiráž / Imprint

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