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Cover 14/2
Obálka / Cover
Vegetation of the municipality Runina (Poloniny National Park, NE Slovakia) and its nature conservation value
Ľuboš Halada, Stanislav David, Petra Gašparovičová
4 - 15
Článok / Article
Ecosystem services of urban allotment gardens – systematic review
Daniela Hutárová, Dagmar Štefunková, Ivana Kozelová
16 - 29
Článok / Article
Creation of a flash flood hazard map in the Sklabinský potok creek catchment area
Martin Maretta, Michal Čalkovský
30 - 39
Článok / Article
Changes in the proportion of endemic species in the alpine vegetation of the Western Carpathians
Andrej Palaj, Jozef Kollár
40 - 51
Článok / Article
Structure of symbiotic and saprotrophic mycobiota in cultivated spruce stands
Ivan Mihál
52 - 66
Článok / Article
Use of factor analysis techniques in modeling agroecosystems
Zdena Krnáčová
67 - 79
Článok / Article
Morphodynamics of the High Tatras mts. lakes catchments (Zelené pleso valley) in the context of climate change
Kristína Hrivnáková, Silvia Čajková, Juraj Hreško
80 - 90
Článok / Article
Imprint 14/2
Tiráž / Imprint

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